Apocalypse Insights
Apocalypse Insights
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Table of contents
1/ The fall of the angels
2/ The expansion of the universe
3/ The creation of Life and Man
4/ DNA
5/ The genetic source code of the Creation
6/ Genesis 6: the Nephilim
7/ The book of Enoch
8/ Predeluvian civilizations
9/ The Deluge
10/ The Nephilim bloodlines
11/ Messiah: Jesus of Nazareth
12/ The Lamb of God
13/ The purpose of life
14/ Afterlife and heaven
15/ The abyss
16/ Sons of darkness
17/ The British royal family and the Committee of 300
18/ The Roman Catholic Church
19/ The Jesuit order
20/ Petrus Romanus
21/ The serpent’s lie
22/ Theosophy
23/ Illumination and racial consciousness
24/ Eugenics
25/ GMO, vaccines and chemtrails
26/ Mindcontrol
27/ 1984
28/ The omega point
29/ Spiritual control and demonic possession
30/ The gods of this age
31/ Luciferian deception
32/ The Nazis
33/ Fourth Reich
34/ Treaties with the aliens
35/ Disclosure agenda
36/ The alien deception
37/ The alien agenda
38/ The army of the antichrist
39/ Multiple dimensions
40/ The underworld
41/ Crossing the Veil of spacetime travel
42/ God’s prophecies
43/ Holy Scriptures
44/ The Apocalypse
45/ The messages to the seven churches
46/ The Satanic agenda
47/ Through the tribulation
48/ The End Times Wars
49/ Tears of blood
50/ The whore of Babylon
51/ End Times scenario
52/ Ordo ab chao
53/ Novus Ordo Seclorum
54/ Luciferian Globalism
55/ Monetary and financial magic
56/ New World Order’s economy
57/ The alien threat
58/ Great signs in the sky
59/ Scalar weaponry and the global power structure
60/ The Mark of the Beast 666
61/ The false prophet
62/ Jerusalem in the End Times
63/ The black awakening
64/ The antichrist
65/ Persecuting the Christians
66/ The Armageddon battle
67/ The millennium of Christ
68/ The Second Coming of Christ
69/ Preparedness
70/ Confronting radical evil
by John Daniel
March 2014